07940 535 660 osteotm@yahoo.com


Shoulders. What to say about shoulders? Such a well used and relied upon part of the body. We carry the weight of the world, responsibility, bags and children on them. The position of your shoulders will greatly influence the range of movement that you are able to...


“Is it because I have bad posture” is a question that I hear with increasing regularity when a patient has neck, shoulder and upper back pain. I don’t believe that there really is bad posture, just posture that is held for longer than the body is...


We require our knees to do a lot over the years and, unfortunately, they can ache and need a bit of attention along the way. If you are a patient of mine I may have given you some mobility, strengthening and stretching exercises. Here are links to help you remember...


The hamstrings are a group of three muscles at the back of your thigh. They run from the crease of your buttocks to just below the back of your knee, and primarily bend the knee and straighten the hip. They are greatly involved in walking, running, getting in and out...
Lower Back

Lower Back

Pain in the lower back is one of the most common complaints I see in clinic. It is often incredibly painful, seriously restricts movement and affects sleep. Early diagnosis and treatment gives quicker relief and appropriate rehab can guard against reoccurrence....