07940 535 660 osteotm@yahoo.com

We require our knees to do a lot over the years and, unfortunately, they can ache and need a bit of attention along the way.

If you are a patient of mine I may have given you some mobility, strengthening and stretching exercises. Here are links to help you remember how to do the exercises but there are more than I would give any one patient and they may be specific to particular dysfunction, so please talk to your osteopath before attempting an exercise that has not been prescribed for you or if any exercise gives you pain.

Quadricep strengthening (3 levels) squat

Crab walking with resistance band

Bosu ball instability: squats (2 levels), step-up & lunge, jumping squats


For patients diagnosed with ITBS (Iliotibial Band Syndrome ) I may recommend these exercises:


Gluteal muscles.

Advanced Gluteal stretches if you have ‘good’ knees

TFL (Tensor fascia latae)


Foam Roller recovery


Gluteal muscles

Hip Hike 

ABductor muscles

Advanced for runners:

Single leg step down

Single leg wall squats

Single leg deadlifts


I may give you a program similar to this if you are recovering well and are at the stage to strengthen your knees:

Perform each exercise for 1 minute continuously.

  1. Cycle or walk to warm up you muscles.
  2. Heel raises; standing on the bottom step.
  3. Step ups; alternating legs without/with hand weights.
  4. False sits; on a chair with arms.
  5. Knee extensions; seated with/without ankle weights or resistance band. 30 seconds each leg.
  6. Squats; using TRX or secured strap, or pole.
  7. Bridges; choose your level, eg on 2 legs, 1 leg, with weight on tummy.
  8. Sliders; standing with one foot on the slider. Foot slides sideway (out-in) for 30 seconds each leg.
  9. Hip extensions; Secure resistance band to a post and the other end around your ankle. Stand upright and extend your straight leg BEHIND you (stretching the band). 30 seconds each leg.
  10. Hip abduction; Secure resistance band to a post and the other end around your ankle. Stand upright and extend your straight leg to the SIDE (stretching the band). 30 seconds each leg.
  11. Hip aDDuction; Secure resistance band to a post and the other end around your ankle. Stand upright and extend your straight leg to the SIDE (stretching the band). 30 seconds each leg.
  12. Wobbly squats; stand on the flat plate of the BOSU ball and perform squats. or with back against swiss ball if you don’t have BOSU.
  13. Crab walking; with resistance band around ankles, or arch of foot towards heel or toes. Walk lefts as far as you can, then right.

Equipment needed:

  • Stairs or step
  • Resistance band/loop
  • Strap or Swiss ball
  • Chair with arms
  • Ankle weights
  • BOSU ball