Ice or heat
It depends on the situation. Ice is great for reducing inflammation and numbing pain, so it’s often used for acute/recent injuries like sprains or strains. Most areas do not need the ice to stay on for more than 15-20mins, but can be reapplied when the skin gets back to its norman temperature (maybe 15-30mins later).
Heat helps to relax and soothe muscles, making it ideal for longer term pain or stiffness. If you’re dealing with a sudden injury, ice might be your best bet if applied immediately. For ongoing muscle tension or soreness, you choose if heat could or ice makes you feel better. But remember both ice and heat can burn so have a fabric barrier and keep checking your skin.
Do you have a specific issue you’re dealing with? I can help you figure out the best approach!
12 minute daily workout
A daily workout routine can be a fantastice way to stay fit and flexible. For decades a Canadian military fitness routine has been used and adapted by many of my patients. This link is to a great routine to start every day:
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